DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
Comment on "Public Notice Regarding Section 106 Review of State of Louisiana, LA Department of Education/Recovery School District (RSD) Proposal to Demolish the Thomy Lafon Elementary School, 2601 Seventh Street, New Orleans, LA - Seeking Public Comment"
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Name: Name redacted at the request of the author
City: new orleans, louisiana
wheatley school
Comments: it figures that a mediocre school board wants to erase any evidence of a smart and progressive school board that planned buildings with a social and environmental conscience.
i find it depressing that our officials cannot spot a jewel when it is right in front of their eyes.
i just read that in the case of the hoffmann school it was admitted that a new school costs 20% more but they still voted for demolition. WHY?
we are loosing our meager stock of exceptional modern buildings and will be left with stuccoed foam monsters with quaint pitched roofs that go up in their place.
time to move.