DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
Comment on "Public Notice Regarding Section 106 Review of State of Louisiana, LA Department of Education/Recovery School District (RSD) Proposal to Demolish the Thomy Lafon Elementary School, 2601 Seventh Street, New Orleans, LA - Seeking Public Comment"
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Name: Name redacted at the request of the author
City: New Orleans, LA
Lafon Elementary at 2601 Seventh Street
Comments: This building needs to be torn down and new structure needs to be built on this site. The building is beyond rehabilitation and renovation of this obsolete, ineffecient money pit does a disservice to our children. The only people who stand to gain from this are the politically connected contractors not the students who would attend Lafon. A new school that is energy efficient, wired for today's technology & electricity uses, and a school that gives children hope is what is needed. We do not need to demonstrate to our youth that there is one set of schools for the wealthy and another for the poverty stricken. All of our children deserve better than this.

Sincerely Yours,
A Lafon alumnus and neighbor who lives on the 2600 block of Lafon.