DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
Comment on "Public Notice Regarding Section 106 Review of State of Louisiana, LA Department of Education/Recovery School District (RSD) Proposal to Demolish the Thomy Lafon Elementary School, 2601 Seventh Street, New Orleans, LA - Seeking Public Comment"
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Name: Debbie Holmes
City: New Orleans
Thomy Lafon Elementary School
Comments: I'm a product of the Thomy Lafon School. I lived in C. J. Peete until Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Yes, there will be many memories of Thomy Lafon School. I'm in support fo the demolition of Thomy Lafon. Why? Carter G. Woodson school buildings are being demolished, and a brand new elememtary school will be build in the community, for families in the neighborhood. It does not make sense to me, to rebuild a community and allow this old school not to be demolished. We live in the community and I believe we should know what's best for this community. I can not stress this enought, I SUPPORT THE DEMOLITION OF THOMY LAFON SCHOOL.