DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
Comment on "Public Notice Regarding Section 106 Review of State of Louisiana, LA Department of Education/Recovery School District (RSD) Proposal to Demolish the Thomy Lafon Elementary School, 2601 Seventh Street, New Orleans, LA - Seeking Public Comment"
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Name: Michael R. Allen
City: St. Louis, Missouri
Lafon Elementary School
Comments: This work of modern architecture is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The proposed replacement is green space for future development. Hence, the choice to demolish is one between retaining an existing building of distinct architectural merit and definite reuse potential that could continue to serve as a neighborhood anchor, and an empty site. Our federal dollars should not fund such wasteful practice, which runs counter to the president's stated aim of promoting energy conservation.