DHS Seal - FEMA    
FEMA Section 106 Notices for Louisiana
Comment on "Public Notice Regarding Historic Review of Privately-Owned Residential Buildings Proposed for Demolition in Orleans Parish, Louisiana - Buildings Eligible for Listing on the National Register"
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Name: Jennifer Molina
City: New Orleans, LA
4603 Banks St.
Comments: I would like to suggest an alternative to demolition for 4603 Banks St., New Orleans LA 70119.

It appears that this house could be preserved and renovated. It is a raised basement house, the kind of house that fared relatively well during the flood. The water line appears to be a few feet. I live in a raised basement house a few blocks from this house. We were able to repair our home. The city only deemed it 31% damaged.

As a source of funding for renovation, I'd like to suggest the Historic Building Recovery Grant Program. I believe this house would be eligible. More info at http://www.crt.state.la.us/hp/HBGrants.htm

Also, the owner should feel free to contact the Mid-City Neighborhood Organization if he or she needs help figuring out alternatives to demolition. Their website is at http://mcno.org/

Houses in this area have been selling fairly quickly. If the owner wanted to sell the property, I am certain that he or she could find a buyer who is willing to repair it.

This house is part of the distinctive housing stock of a national historic district. Please don't tear it down.

Of course, I make this comment without full awareness of any structural problems the house may have.