The Louisiana Office of Cultural Development’s helps Louisiana preserve, support, develop, and
promote our archaeology, arts, French language, and historic places.
Division of Archaeology, Division of the Arts, Division of Historic Preservation, Louisiana Cultural Districts, Staff
Our French Immersion Programs, Division of Historic Preservation, Division of Archaeology, and Division of the Arts protect the culture and heritage that Louisiana has come to be known for.
In response to the recent flooding, we hope the following information will be helpful to all of our constituents:
National Heritage Responders Available to Assist with Louisiana Flooding
The Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation offers free emergency response assistance to cultural organizations impacted by flooding.
FEMA Program & Policy Guide
Offers a complete guide for the Public Assistance policy and an overview of the program implementation process.
Resilient Heritage Booklet
A booklet developed by the Louisiana Office of Cultural Development, National Center for Preservation Technology and Training and the National Park Service to educate the public on disaster resiliency.
After the Flood: Advice for Salvaging Damaged Family Treasures
Offers basic salvage guidelines for treasured possessions.