Louisiana Archaeology Exhibits & Tours
Use the interactive map to visit Louisiana Archaeology collections on display across the state (orange museum symbol) and to learn about archaeological sites in Louisiana, online (purple circle symbol). Zoom in to see multiple options in the same area. To see all locations and the map description, click on the rectangle on the top left of the map.
Indian Mounds of Northeast Louisiana Trail Guide
Indians built mounds in Louisiana for about 5,500 years. The mounds had many different shapes, sizes, and functions. The earliest sites had mounds with rounded tops. Later sites sometimes had flat-topped mounds with temples and chiefs' houses on them. To learn more, visit the Indian Mounds of Northeast Louisiana Trail Guide Website or download the Indian Mounds of Northeast Louisiana: A Driving Trail Guide Brochure.
Ancient Mound Sites of Louisiana
Louisiana has some of the oldest, most spectacular, and best preserved Indian mounds in the world. Compared with other places, Louisiana has an unusually large number of mounds and earthworks, which span a long period of time. To learn more about Louisiana's ancient mound sites, download the Ancient Mound Sites of Louisiana Brochure.