2022 Louisiana Tourism By The Numbers

  • Louisiana attracted 42.6 million domestic & international visitors to the state in 2022.
  • Louisiana's $17.1 billion generated visitor spending in 2022 would buy 106 lbs. of crawfish tails for each Louisiana visitor.
  • $1.9 billion total state and local tax revenues generated by travel and tourism activities  saves each household in Louisiana an additional $1,068 in taxes. 
  • The Louisiana leisure and hospitality industry is the 4th highest employer in the state.
  • Top 3 - leisure travel activities for Louisiana domestic travelers are:
    1. Shopping
    2. Culinary/Dining Experiences
    3. Visiting Friends and Relatives

Louisiana Facts

  • Nickname: "Pelican State"
  • State Motto: "Union, Justice and Confidence"
  • Population: 4,410,796 (2009 U.S. Census estimate)
  • State Capitol:
    • Located on 27 acres in Baton Rouge and was completed on March 1, 1932
    • The Louisiana State Capitol building is 450 feet in height - the tallest state capitol building in the U.S.
  • State Bird: Brown Pelican
  • State Flower: Magnolia
  • Louisiana's lowest elevation is in New Orleans, at 8 feet below sea level.
  • New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz music.
  • Southwest Louisiana's "Cajun Prairie" is the indigenous home to Cajun and zydeco music.
  • Cuisine that is indigenous to Louisiana includes crawfish (a tiny, freshwater shellfish resembling a miniature lobster); gumbo (a hearty soup thickened with skillet-browned oil and flour, or a "roux"); and jambalaya (a rice and meat dish similar to a Spanish paella).
  • Louisiana is one of the largest fur producers in the U.S. Species harvested annually include beaver, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum, raccoon, red fox and river otter.
  • Avery Island's salt mine was encountered in 1862, making it the oldest in the Western Hemisphere
©2025 Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism