Grand Cane Historic District
Grand Cane, LA
Overview | Grants | Resources | Louisiana CLGs | Training |
One of the benefits of becoming a CLG is the opportunity to apply for grants. In an effort to encourage further preservation planning and build partnerships between state and local preservation organizations, the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation has created a program to award preservation planning and education grants to Certified Local governments on a competitive basis. Each year a portion Louisiana's federal appropriation for historic preservation is passed to Certified Local Governments in the form of matching grants. These grants fund local preservation activities in communities that have preservation ordinances.
Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
If you have any other ideas for projects that do not fall under one of the above categories, feel free to contact Louisiana's Certified Local Government Coordinator.
Certified Local Governments (CLGs) are the only eligible applicants for CLG Historic Preservation Planning Grants; however, CLGs can apply on behalf of individuals or organizations. CLG Historic Preservation Planning Grants are reimbursable, 50/50 (cash) matching grants.
Project work may only begin after the grant is awarded and a funding agreement with the Division of Historic Preservation is signed. The recipient pays for all costs up-front, and grant funds are reimbursed for 50 percent of the costs, up to the grant amount.
Amanda Lanata, CLG coordinator
Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation
PO Box 44247
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
(225) 342-8157