Poetry Out Loud Logo Horziontal


The National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation, in collaboration with state arts agencies, proudly present Poetry Out Loud (POL) across all 50 states, American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  In POL, high school students students select, memorize, and recite poems from an approved anthology, honing their interpretation, public speaking, and performance skills in a competitive setting.  Winners at the regional, state, and national levels are awarded cash prizes, and state champions receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the opportunity to compete for the national title. 

POL is completely free and can be easily adopted by schools, cultural institutions such as libraries or community theaters, or individual teachers and artists. We invite both new and returning students to join us for Poetry Out Loud’s 20th year.

How to Host a Competition

Coaching the students: Over the course of a few weeks, you will help students explore the official POL anthology of poems and select 1-3 that they can memorize and recite. Students will want to find poems that they can relate to. The role of the ‘coach’ in this program is to help students recite the poems in a way that conveys the poet’s meaning. They are not ‘acting’ as a character or narrator of the poem. They are reciting the poem to convey the tone and meaning of the poem. Is it a poem about losing a loved one? Is it a sarcastic poem? Is it fierce and fiery? The way the student recites should convey these underlining feelings without being over the top.

Organizing a local competition: At the start of the POL process, you will select a date that will be the competition event. The competition organizer will recruit 3-4 judges plus an accuracy judge, help the judges learn the criteria, and prepare the judging score sheets for the competition day. A full guide to competition organizing is available in the teacher’s guide.

Want to learn more?  Schedule a 30-minute meeting with here with state coordinator, Leea Russell.


October-December 2024

  • Recruit participants, Explore the Anthology, Rehearse Poems, and Conduct Local Competitions. School/local competitions should be conducted before winter break. 
  • Contact the regional coordinator to express your intent to participate in the regional competition. Find your regional coordinator here.

January - February 15, 2025

  • Regional competitions conducted. Dates TBA.  Contact your regional coordinator for more information.

March 13, 2025 – State finals at Delta Grand Theatre in Opelousas

May 6-8, 2025 – National finals in Washington, D.C.


Teacher/Organizer Guide

Poetry Out Loud Anthology

Resources for Organizing a Contest

Lesson Plans

Judges’ Guide

Logos and Graphics

Poetry Out Loud Toolkit
Grisham Locke, Ruston Cultural District
2024 Poetry Out Loud Louisiana State Champion
2024 Poetry Out Loud Top Nine National Finalist
Leea Reese Russell
Director of Arts Education and Accessibility

(225) 342-8209
Sign up for our newsletter
Schedule a meeting with Leea

©2025 Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism